Saturday, October 31, 2009


Edmodo has been described as Twitter for education. Twitter has no teacher control or facility for teacher moderation. Edmodo however, has provided this facility so the teacher can view, comment, communicate and follow what is being communicated. This is very important I think, as students learn best from a model. The teacher can model appropriate etiquette, teach responsibilty in the way communication is conducted and what is appropriate to communicate on such a forum.

It can be used in the classroom to organize activities and study plans, discuss, share, assess and as a question and problem solving tool. In upper grades I can see it would simplify classroom management and eliminate some of the concerns that a lack of appropriate moderation for the teacher could bring.

I like the fact it embraces the style of communication happening for students outside the classroom and that it transcends the boundaries that time and location can place on normal classroom communication. I will certainly keep an eye an the development of Edmodo and see myself using it in the classroom in the future.

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